With the ever-expanding online content marketing, demand for a good content writing company in India is increasing drastically. Finding a good content writer for your website/blog becomes really difficult in this digitized era. A proper market research and analysis becomes important before hiring or outsourcing your work to any person or content writing company involved in this regard. You must make sure that the writing should be such that it can effectively attract readers and provide you a competitive edge over other businesses.

Here are some tips to find the best content writing company:

  • Detailed research

First of all, take some time to look at your known contacts, surf the net and get some useful contacts that provide content writing services. Make a list and then shortlist them according to your requirements.

  • Checking portfolios

Check shortlisted ones; go through the websites of different content writing companies in India and take a look at their previously done work. Observe whether they can fulfill your requirements.

Content Writing - Contentholic

Checklist to keep in mind:

  • Quality of writing

Check about the usage of words, punctuation, and grammar.

  • Detailed research

Check whether they have done some research work before writing about something or they just write with their own knowledge.

  • Creativity

Creativity becomes a must to ensure the interest of the reader in reading a particular article. Writer should be aware of different tricks and methods of applying creative writing in his work.

  • Formatting and Font

Also check whether they use appropriate font, size and format or not.

  • Versatility and grammar

Articles can be simply written but they must not have grammatically errors as they take away all the interest of readers from the article. There should be some versatility. It should be monotonous.

  • Using keywords

SEO content writing is not an easy task. It requires some rules to be followed for using keywords. Check whether they are able to fit various keywords in an article in a way doesn’t seem superfluous or redundant.

  • Adaptability

At last, check if they can also write on various different issues you require. Writing and knowing just a particular topic is not enough for writers. They must be well-aware.

  • Professionalism

See if they can submit the given assignment on time or just go on delaying the work. Website content writing requires strict adherence to time and rules due to its increased demand and increasing competition.

In this way, you will never be fooled by anyone and will be able to get an honest content writing company in India. Taking various aforementioned tests determines the authentication of their work and taking plagiarism check will also ensure whether the content written is original.  After going through all these tests, you can hire a particular company.

Contentholic is one such content writing company in India that ensures that the clients are satisfied by the engaging and fresh content written by their team of writers, following all the guidelines of SEO write-up must follow.